6 Factors That Affect Salesforce Lightning Load Speed

May 12, 2021
Kriti Sharma
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It has been a long time since the Salesforce Lightning Experience has released, and it has proven itself to be more efficient than the Classic version of Salesforce. However, as a client-side base platform, the users are likely to face slow load speed issues while making the transition. Therefore, you might have to put in an extra amount of work to improve load speeds to achieve a better platform for both users and clients.

A major part of the Salesforce Lightning features is centered around the client-side. Client-side Salesforce setup means adding various elements that can certainly impact page load speeds. You should consider when you’re customizing the platform. To make sure that the loading speed of the Salesforce page remains fine, it is important to be aware of the factors that can be responsible for it. Here are some factors that are majorly responsible for affecting Salesforce Lightning load speed.

1. Excessive fields

Adding excessive fields into the Salesforce Lightning org is one of the factors that can slow down the page load times. While setting up Lightning, you might have around 100-200 fields on the page, which can end up in slow load speeds. Take some time to evaluate to find which fields are required to suits your clients’ needs.

2. Related lists

Active related lists can prove to be bulky and can cause page load speed to reduce. You can work to increase the speed by minimizing the number of related lists on the page. Make sure you only keep what you need and eliminate the rest. You can also supplement your related lists by using related quick links. Related quick links allow users to access the information they need without loading all the data onto the page.

3. Network issues

Network issues or latency between the device and Salesforce environment is one of the factors that can affect page load times. When a user accesses a host instance from a different geographical location, it can also cause slow performance. 

Latency issues between remotely located web servers and the client device or any issue within the network can degrade the performance of Salesforce. Virtual private networks that need routing through a data center before rerouting to a Salesforce instance can be a reason for increased latency. Ask network admin or IT professionals of your company to assess your network latency when users connect to the Salesforce environment.

4. Not following device and browser best practices 

Sometimes the page load speed can be slower because of the inappropriate ways of using the device and the browser to run Salesforce Lightning. Slow load times can be the result of devices that don’t meet the minimum technical requirements of Salesforce. Also, using excessive plug-ins, tabs, and extensions can take up more memory and processing power and degrade performance. 

5. Salesforce org configuration

Inappropriate configuration of Salesforce org can lead to slow performance and page load speeds. Implementing unoptimized Visualforce can adversely impact the performance of Visualforce pages. To avoid such a situation, consider running Salesforce Optimizer first to get recommendations for cleaning up customizations, reduce complexity, and feature improvements when needed. 

6. Performance issues with the virtual desktop environment

Sometimes users don’t check, but virtual desktop environments have older processors and are shared by multiple users. Using a virtual desktop in such conditions can potentially result in slower page load times. You can work to predict how a virtual desktop will perform with Lightning Experience by running performance tests from within the virtual environment. While performing the test, consider using as many concurrent users as you expect in production, taking their usage patterns into account.

Get The Help of Salesforce Lightning Experts to Configure the Platform Right

All features and functionalities of Salesforce Lightning will not matter if you are troubling with poor load speed and performance issues. Salesforce Lightning Experience can increase your efficiency and productivity when you know your way through it. If you want to undergo Salesforce Lightning migration or resolve the issues with the current usage of Lightning instance, talk to our certified Salesforce partners for the best support.  

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