360 Degree Cloud joins the global 1% Pledge
We at 360 Degree Cloud have joined the global 1% pledge movement to do our bit to empower nonprofits and change makers.
To support their endeavors for positive change, we’ll be donating a percentage of all our flagship product licenses for free usage to nonprofits.
What is the 1% Pledge?
Pledge 1% movement, founded by Atlassian, Rally, Salesforce, and Tides encourages businesses to integrate philanthropy into their business model from an early stage which becomes part of the culture and later blooms into a full operation.
The idea of a 1% pledge - Businesses as a platform for change
The movement helps businesses give back in a variety of modes that suit them and help them take their first-steps with philanthropy. Taken together, the cumulative pledges can bring massive, organized impact.
How the 1% pledge works
Members of the 1% pledge donate 1% of
equity, resource time, profit, or product licenses
to a nonprofit cause for positive change.
Comments from the CEO
“We’re humbled by the opportunity to give back and are equally excited to be associated with the 1% movement.
This model brings businesses closer to community impact in a structured way and lets us make sure our solutions have a meaningful impact on the world and communities in need.”
-Siddharth Sehgal,
CEO and Founder, 360 Degree Cloud
CEO and Founder, 360 Degree Cloud