Salesforce Partner Notes: Implementing Marketing Cloud and Advertising Studio for Real Estate

March 31, 2021
Kriti Sharma
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The real estate sector has traditionally been considered unorganized, because of which it always remained slow in adopting new trends. However, lately, with all the technologies evolving, there has been a significant change in the sector. The surge in the capacity and availability of digital technology has affected the realtor side too. 

With real estate companies focusing on all their business processes, there are chances that they might end up giving less importance to taking the word of the business out there to the audience. So, just like you give attention to your revenue-generating operations, there’s a need to shift your focus to creating an image about your real estate business in the target audience with suitable advertising methods.    

In the current business environment, advertising has been revolutionized by technology. It has become commonplace to conduct to and fro interaction between brands and customers across multiple channels. It is a struggle for marketers to keep track of the target audience with communication on varied channels. This is where Advertising Studio comes in. Implementing it with the help of a Salesforce consulting company allows the teams to combine marketing, digital advertising, and CRM data in one place.

What is Salesforce Advertising Studio?

Salesforce Advertising Studio is a campaign management solution to manage digital marketing campaigns for a business. Being a part of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud suite, Advertising Studio can be considered a reliable tool for preparing customer-centric marketing strategies. 

With Advertising Studio, you can easily coordinate campaigns with mobile, social, and customer service efforts. It helps to enhance your email marketing goals by collaborating it with advertising. It allows the teams to connect with existing customers through multiple social media channels. Along with this, it enables them to discover new prospects by searching for lookalikes of existing customers. Not only this, but they can also re-engage with inactive users within the customer journey across digital advertising. 

Key Features of Advertising Studio

Three central features of Advertising Studio make it possible for a real estate business to boost its advertising efforts.

  1. Advertising Audience

    Advertising Audience allows you to pull in your Marketing Cloud data to target their advertising campaigns across multiple channels. Teams can use this data to create Google Similar Audiences and Facebook lookalike audiences. That is how they can find new prospects that fit right with your current ideal customers.

  2. Journey Builder Advertising

    With Journey Builder Advertising in Advertising Studio, you can create ad campaigns for social media platforms and cross-channel journeys for mobile and email in Journey Builder. The tool enables the marketer to create ads within seconds. They can then push the ads to social media platforms like Facebook, which instantly increases the reach of email ad campaigns.

  3. Lead Capture

    Salesforce implementation partners help use Lead Capture to look for new prospects by connecting your Facebook advertising leads with Sales Cloud lead objects or Marketing Cloud data extensions. This helps the sales and marketing teams to manage the lead pipeline, access and use lead information to create brand messages. They can also refresh audiences by finding similar audiences based on converted leads.

How can Advertising Studio Help Your Real Estate Business?

Advertising Studio allows the real estate companies to use customer data in Salesforce to manage ad campaigns and boost digital advertising. It helps to build a lookalike audience looking to connect someone in real estate. It even allows you to re-engage with inactive customers across different channels. There’s a lot that Advertising Studio allows you to do to push your real estate business ahead. 

  1. Access data across platforms: With Advertising Studio, you can easily access the data stored across Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and Service Cloud. It allows bringing all your data in one place. This helps the team to plan the advertising campaigns conveniently by collectively analyzing all the customer information. 
  2. Reach audience at scale: Salesforce Advertising Studio can help you synchronize customer records instantly from multiple digital channels used to interact with the audience. This makes it easier to ensure that records are always up to date, no matter how many advertising campaigns your team is running and managing. 
  3. Align email and advertising campaigns: You can easily coordinate your real estate advertising with emails to reach out to more people. It enhances the chances of conversions. Brining both mediums together helps in sharing messages with the target audience through both channels. This feature ultimately doubles the chances of getting the business noticed.
  4. Find new customers: You can discover potential customers who show behavior like your current high-value customers. It allows you to search for similar or lookalike audiences with similar interests in real estate. 
  5. Automate leads from social media: The platform enables your team to automatically send your leads from your different social media channels like Facebook and Twitter into Salesforce. It enables your marketing and sales teams to directly access the lead information from Salesforce. This is how it helps the team to take an action immediately.

Enhance Advertising Efforts for your Real Estate Business 

with Top Salesforce Consulting Partners

Advertising Studio is an excellent tool for opening up your CRM for advertising. It allows your teams to target the right people across social media platforms. You can generate new leads with suitable content and re-engage with inactive customers to bring them back in from the cold with the best deals in real estate. Using the Advertising Studio to advertise to prospects on Facebook can help generate almost 50% more leads, speeding up the ROI. And to do it right, reaching out to our Salesforce experts can be a great start for you. Talk to our Salesforce consulting services and get help to make the most of Salesforce Advertising Studio, from securely managing your customer data to using insights to attract new prospects.

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