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Ways to Make your Field Service Sustainable

Make your Field Service Sustainable
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As more and more companies are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint, it forms a great opportunity for you to make your field service sustainable. It is high time that you should adopt sustainability to be the strategic pillar of your business and should promote the same values when you’re selecting your employees and partners. 

But it’s easier said than done. You need to work on getting a reliable field service management solution that could help you build customer trust and reduce carbon emissions. This is something that you need to set up sustainability to achieve success. 

3 Ways to Make your Field Service Sustainable

We’ve covered here a few ways that you can follow to make your field service sustainable while growing your business. 

 1. Enable Automation for Mobile Workers

One of the biggest challenges to achieving sustainability in the field service sector is fuel consumption. There can be situations like inclement weather,  last-minute schedule changes,  and heavy traffic, which can all lead to an extension of time on the road.

With skill-based routing, you can make sure that the right person for the job takes the most efficient route. This would be supported by real-time automation that will help you respond quickly to emergencies. This way you can save on gas, reduce emissions, and limit the impact on the road, thus contributing to sustainability. 

2. Use AI for First-Time Job Resolution

Any kind of errors in estimating service or travel time, and parts required can completely disturb the schedule for the day. If these inefficiencies keep adding up they’ll lead to an increase in the carbon footprint. 

You can streamline your field service activities and support sustainability using Artificial Intelligence. It helps you take different factors into account like traffic patterns, distance, and weather to predict how long the representative will take to drive to the job. 

AI can also help to evaluate the history of similar tasks in the past to estimate how long a job will take. 

3. Offer Remote Assistance to Reduce Truck Rolls

It is not necessary that your service requests need on-site appointments, instead, there can be times when remote assistance could help. Your mobile workers can enable visual remote assistance to help customers and solve problems they’re facing in real-time. 

Enabling remote assistance will help you to cut the time spent on the road. It means that there will be fewer emissions and wear and tear on roads. 

Make your Field Service Sustainable with Salesforce

Whether it is about automation, AI, or remote assistance, you just need a single platform that could enable you to ramp up your field service while managing sustainability. It’s time to adopt Salesforce and transform your field service for better efficiency and sustainability. 

You can even reach out to our experts for a customized Field Service Lightning solution to boost the productivity of your on-site workers. 

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