Salesforce Platinum Partner

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What even is a Summit (Platinum) Consulting Partner?

You’ll first need to understand the Salesforce partner program.
Salesforce creates cloud products but depends on its extensive network of partners for technical implementation and customization. In turn, the partner network encourages Salesforce usage and adoption which contributes to ACV (Annual Contract Values) for Salesforce.

What does it take to become a Summit (Platinum) Partner?

Salesforce partnership program has four tiers – Base, Crest, Ridge, Summit. These tiers are assigned under a strict evaluation bar for quality.
To become a ‘Summit (Platinum) Consulting Partner’ a company must collect enough points under a complex, algorithm-based point system called the ‘Partner Value Score.’ The Partner Value Score account for customer satisfaction scores, certifications, projects, and much more.
The system winnows partners to bring out partners that commit to quality for the long run. They show empirical evidence for high CSAT, feedback collection, and ability to create growth.

What does this mean for our customers and SI Partners?

The ‘Value’ in the Partner Value Score is built around customers and reliability for real-world results.
As Summit Partners we are duty-bound to meet your business and growth objectives through the right roadmaps, technology choices, solution design, and architecture.
This means that we set formal standards for the quality of solutions, delivery timelines, and development best practices.

How rare is a Summit (Platinum) Partner?

How is it different from other Salesforce consulting firms?

Nearly 7-8% of all Salesforce consulting partners achieve this distinction which sets the competitive bar very high and ensures practitioners have put in the work and come from a genuine track record of delivering results and expertise.

How did we get here?

Our multiple delivery centers with and highly skilled agile staff of 500 has allowed us to scale real-world results and meet required partner scores. It’s taken us nearly a decade and 260+ certifications across all Salesforce clouds to make it here.