When does Salesforce Software Support spill over to Customization?

May 19, 2021
Kriti Sharma
salesforce software support
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Modern-day business owners look for solutions that can simplify their operations and adds to efficiency. Adopting Salesforce support has thus become a common solution for companies. But the question is, is an off-the-shelf Salesforce solution effectively serving to needs of different businesses?

Every business is unique and has different requirements, processes, and workflows. That’s why a basic Salesforce support plan might not be a perfect fit for each company as it might not suit the way of doing business and the unique business goals. So, having basic Salesforce support might not work for your business, leading to a nominal rate of adoption and more complaints. In such situations, businesses obviously can’t expect a significant return for the amount they spend. This is where Salesforce customization comes in handy.

What is Salesforce Customization?

Salesforce customization is about customized development to include high-end specifications to CRM platforms. It centers on adding specifications and features that related directly to the needs of a business. 

Salesforce customization is a complex activity performed when getting certain functionality with configuration is impossible. Customization implies deeper tailoring of a solution with code, and it is performed by a certified Salesforce developer. Possible customizations may include:

  • Creating custom processes, e.g., a process to calculate expected revenue.
  • Enabling bulk operations to process large volumes of data.
  • Enabling custom email templates to create invoices and warranty email management.

Why Do You Need to Consider Salesforce Customization?

Reaching out to top Salesforce implementation services for Salesforce customization can be a big decision but it will prove to be equally fruitful for any business. We have listed here some occasions when you might need to move from Salesforce support to Salesforce customization.

1. When Users Find Things Inconvenient

Businesses often feel the need to conduct meetings over Salesforce when the data is not recorded by users. In such situations, it becomes important to figure out what makes them not participate out of the system, so the issue can be fixed. 

As far as the service domain is concerned, it might lead to miscommunications among the sales teams and clients, which can lead to disappointed clients. Such situations might need to involve unwanted steps while making deals which can make it more annoying. Salesforce customization is highly required to fix such situations.

2. When You Receive Inconsistent or Unreliable Business Reports

It is important to track the activity reports to plan a successful strategy. The reports should be smartly created to enhance the sales amount. After a query is made active, the CRM is expected to track representatives communicating with prospective customers. To create business reports you must consider everything ranging from mails, phone calls to social media. These reports are of great help when generating significant leads. CRM customization will help track all the information criteria and even saves team time and effort with inbuilt formats for reports.

3. When You Want a Single View of Customers

It is expected from every business that owners should understand the lifecycle of the product from the perspective of managing accounts. The most effective option here would be to have a customized Salesforce CRM that meets the needs of the business while keeping track of time and functionalities. The customized platform will cover everything from initiation to termination of the deal. It will also keep track of communications with customers. Salesforce customization can enable the team to have an insight into ways practices can be made simpler, quicker, and way lot effective.

4. When the System You Use Doesn’t Imitate Your Business Processes

The major difficulty of using Salesforce without customization is to deal with arrangements which not designed to work the way your team works. This will eventually cause frustration and delay in processes. Customized Salesforce CRM will give your business a platform that aligns perfectly with your business processes and goals.

Summing Up

Salesforce customization is a viable way to make your Salesforce CRM helpful for sales and customer service to curb the issues with user adoption. To turn your customization process into a successful venture, we suggest getting end users’ input, engaging a CRM manager to lead the change, and choosing a reliable Salesforce services provider. It will help you take a reasonable approach to Salesforce customization, keeping your customization costs under control. Talk to our experienced Salesforce consultants to know more at sales@360dc.test360degreecloud.in

Salesforce customization
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